Remove Login/Logout Link from WordPress’ Sidebar Meta Widget

WordPress’ default sidebar meta widget contains a link to the login page. Following the “security by obscurity approach to prevent others to try to login to my WordPress instance (in this case ignoring the recommendation that system security should not depend on the secrecy of the implementation or its components), …

Attempt to create a Virtual Machine with one Resource Group only in Microsoft Azure

After analyzing the results of creating a virtual machine in Micosoft Azure without planning it, I created a plan and had a look how it works. Well, to be honest, not everything worked as planned (surprisingly, as my plans usually work out well 😉 ), but in the end the …

Manual Changes required when Restoring a Database to another WordPress Installation

For testing purposes, I restored the WordPress database of this blog to my development WordPress instance. When I tried to open the login page, the browser told me it was not able to establish a connection to the server at localhost (WordPress dev instance is running on localhost). Looking at …

Useful CLI Commands to script Start and Stop of a Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure

I am using my virtual machine in Azure to do development tasks. That means, as long as I am not doing any development, I do not need the virtual machine. Accordingly, I deallocate the VM when I’m done, and start it again when there are new development tasks to be …

Copy / clone a Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure

Being able to copy or clone a virtual machine is a useful feature in many scenarios, e.g. create a customized base template, for test environments, and so forth. I walked through two options: Capture the VM, means a managed image will be created Restore it from a backup These two …

Challenge: Delete Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure

Deleting a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure looks quite simple at first sight: Open the portal, select the VM to be deleted, click on “Delete”, read the confirmation message – and immediately become unsure. Obviously, just deleting the VM resource is not sufficient to delete all resources related to a …

Virtual Machine Site Recovery in Microsoft Azure

To be prepared in case of a failure of the primary location of my Azure VM, I’ve activated the Azure Site Recovery. After completing a manual failover for testing purposes, I was surprised how much manual work was required to make the replicated setup look like the source and have …

Encrypting Disks of Virtual Machines in Microsoft Azure

After completing the setup of a virtual machine in Azure, it is worth to have a look at the advisor recommendations. One of the recommendations I found was “Disk encryption should be applied on virtual machines“. But enabling disk encryption will have its price. And probably there is no need …

Things I will regard when I create my next VM in Microsoft Azure

Based on what I’ve learned when I created a VM in Azure without previous planning, I will regard the following points the next time I create a stand-alone VM: Minimize the Number of Resource Groups Optimize Disk Size and Number VM Size and Disk Performance VM Size and Disk Encryption …