Using Styles From Different Class Library In Silverlight

For re-use purposes, it is helpful to put Silverlight styles into a separate class library; let’s call it ResourceLibrary in this example. In the class library which is using the styles from ResourceLibrary, one should declare a Styles.xaml, which only contains a reference to ResourceLibrary: <ResourceDictionary xmlns=”” xmlns:x=””> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary …

Why Silverlight Binding’s StringFormat Property Sometimes Isn’t Fully Working

In Silverlight 4, the new Binding property StringFormat was introduced. It’s a nice thing, e.g. if you want to display numeric values with digit grouping and a fix number of decimal places. The syntax is equal to the String.Format: {Binding DataContextProperty StringFormat=’#,##0.00′}. One can, of course, use it for other …

Large Message Size And Bad Request on WCF Service

In an application I built, using Silverlight Client and WCF Service, the application threw an exception when the request data passed by the client to the server exceeded about 64K (might be a little bit less). Using a TCP tracer, I saw that the client received a “bad request” error. …