Useful CLI Commands to script Start and Stop of a Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure

I am using my virtual machine in Azure to do development tasks. That means, as long as I am not doing any development, I do not need the virtual machine. Accordingly, I deallocate the VM when I’m done, and start it again when there are new development tasks to be …

(Re-) Size of Azure Virtual Machine Disks

When you create a virtual machine in Azure based on an existing image, you cannot define the size of the operation system disk. Unfortunately, you even can’t see what the disk size will be when you create the VM. I also was not able to find a table giving this …

Azure Storage Account Diagnostics (classic) hidden Data

Looking at Azure Storage Accounts a little bit in more detail, I noticed something that was surprising to me. Connecting to a storage account via the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (at least version 1.12.0 or 1.13.0) and looking at the content, I noticed a Blob Container named $logs and some …

Tracing in Microsoft Azure Cloud Service

Setting Up the Tracing Since it took me some time to figure out again what to do to see the tracing output of my Microsoft Azure Worker Role in a Cloud Service, here are some hints. First, read How To Enable Diagnostics in a Cloud Service. Following the step-by-step description …