Microsoft Advertising Services AdControl Error Handling in XAML/C#

Preface The Do’s + Don’ts of the Advertising SDK say “DO plan for times when no ads are available.” The links of that item leads to the ErrorCode enumeration and a rudimentarily error handling sample, writing text to debug output. In this post, I will show an error handling where …

Configure Microsoft Advertising Services’ AdControl using XAML/C#

Preface The Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8 allows developers to show ads in their apps. When you look at the walkthrough for putting ads in an app using XAML/C#, you can see that you have to set the ApplicationId and AdUnitId property of each AdControl control in your app. …

Microsoft Advertising Services Test Mode Sample for Windows 8

Microsoft offers a very simple way to show advertising in Windows Store apps. A starting point is The Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8 can be found here: The SDK docs lead you to a document, listing all the possible advertising test modes with their appropriate test values: …

Manage Wireless Networks in Windows 8

For whatever reason, Microsoft decided to remove the “Manage wireless networks” from the Network and Sharing Center. As long as you want to manage the connection to a network you are already connected to, that’s no problem. Just right-click the properties of this connection. Managing a not connected wireless network …